Monday, January 24, 2011

Fuck off Chilli Jam

Today’s post is bland, but fiery! I have spent the afternoon making chilli jam. I do this once every 3 months or so, because we both like chillies…

Forget the nancy recipes you see on line. Mine is ‘fuck off chilli jam’. It has an approximate recipe:-

1 kg small, hot red Thai chillies
250 g large, red Dutch chillies
6 Scotch Bonnets
1 large red onion
300 ml white wine vinegar
Juice of 2 lemons
Pinch of salt.

Chop it all up. Caramelise the onion. Add the the sugar and the vinigar and dissolve.

Add the other bits.

Boil and stir.

Transfer to sterile jars.

Share with friends. Eat. Enjoy.


Tamara said...

Interesting recipe, but it seems you have forgotten to mention how much sugar to use.
How hot is this Chilli Jam? "Fuck off" sounds very hot. Probably too hot for my taste, I'm afraid.

sub hubby said...

Sorry Tamara - you are so right!

I used 1kg of 'preserving' sugar. I'm not goign to use that again - I preferred the result with ordinary granulated sugar.

This jam is HOT!