Thursday, May 20, 2010

Plain sailing

Apparently the coffee was quite uneventful. They chatted about work and stuff, and only flirted briefly, to agree that they must ‘set up’ the private time/date at which he can give Her Her kiss.

Last night he travelled away on business. The two of them texted into the night as he sat alone on the train he was on. A bit of flirting, a bit of talk.

Although She denies it, Mistress is definitely pushing his boundaries fairly hard. She does not want their relationship to stagnate into a platonic one. Though She claims She does not want to fuck him either.

I think She’s getting used to him, starting to like him more, and has actually decided She wants to fuck him, but just struggled admitting that to me or Herself.

Anyway, he’s away for the rest of this week, so its plain sailing time for me – at least I know She’s not spending the day meeting him for coffee and lunch dates!

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